Hospital & Homebirth Supply Lists


·      Portable space heater unless you have a good room to room temperature
·      2 Large garbage bags: one for dirty linen, one for garbage. Please have them open inside of box or laundry basket.
·      Gooseneck lamp or desk lamp with extension cord Flashlight with new batteries
·      2 sets of bed sheets
·      6 bath towels (preferably not your best ones)
·      Container for the placenta ( ice cream containers or large zip lock bags)
·      Crock-Pot or kettle for hot compresses and a Large cookie sheet
·      2 Flannel backed vinyl tablecloths or painters drop sheet (to protect floor and your bed)
·      4-6 pillows (you may wish to protect with garbage bags under the pillow slips)
·      Roll of paper towels
·      12-15 clean wash/face cloths for hot compresses (old towels cut up into cloths.)
·      8-12 receiving blankets and 2 cotton baby hats
·      Food and drink for labouring woman and support people (i.e. juice, Gatorade, toast, convenience foods)
·      Well-functioning car, filled with gas


·      Large T-shirt/nightgown for labour
·      Chapstick or Vaseline and a Box of facial tissues
·      Mirror for viewing the birth (10’x12’ is ideal)
·      Unopened bottle of pure oil for perineal massage (i.e. Vegetable or almond) or K-Y Gel.


Supplies should be gathered a month before your due date and ready for your home visit. The phone list and Back-up Plan sheet should be posted by your telephone. A hospital bag should be packed for woman and baby (see hospital birth supplies).  Store all clean linens and supplies in covered boxes away from children and pets to maintain cleanliness until the time of labour.

Your Bed  firm mattress or futon (no water beds please). On the day you go into labour, make the bed with a set of sheets as usual, cover with plastic (flannel backed vinyl tablecloths), and cover with another set of linens (preferably old sheets). After birth, soak the soiled top sheets in cold water, and the fresh sheets are waiting.

*Please Note the following are very effective for getting blood out of linen and clothing: Hydrox –available at Home Hardware, President’s Choice Colour Safe Chlorine Free Bleach-available at Zehrs, and Hydrogen Peroxide

Hospital Supply List

·      Health Card
·      2 Pillows in coloured pillow cases
·      Vaseline/Chapstick for lips
·      Soap and other toiletries
·      Drinks and Food (e.g. juices, Gatorade)
·      1 Package of “overnight sanitary pads”, socks, slippers, bathrobe
·      Change of clothes
·      Well-functioning car filled with gas

Optional Items

·      Large T-shirt or nightgown for labour
·      1 Large towel
·      Camera
·      Disposable underwear and facial tissues
·      Change for vending machine
·      phone numbers
·      Arnica 200c(Homeopathic Remedy)

Baby’s Bag

·      Diapers
·      2 Undershirts
·      2 sleepers or gowns
·      2 Receiving blankets
·      2 sweaters
·      1 Warm Blanket
·      2 Hats
·      Approved Car Seat

Packing Instructions

It may be useful when packing for the hospital to organize things into two bags, one with items for mother to use in labour and the other for things to use after the birth (i.e. baby items). You can leave the second bag in the car with the car seat.  After the birth, the second bag and the car seat can be brought in.